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The strech of our site ranges from Amerson's Garden in Breach Candy Area in Cumballa Hill upto the Mahalaxmi temple, which is a famous landmark in Mumbai.
The Coatal road project runs parallel to this stretch as well as the coast line. 



The site was further divided into three zones based on the User groups which then helped to shape and curate the programs.
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Here the site is zoned based on programs and while pining the location of the proposed design elements

Cultural Spaces
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Canteen Spaces
Meditation Space
Garden Spaces
Pedestrian Path
Coastal Road

Masterplan with design

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The design was carefully curated such that the site becomes a recreational and playful space while providing for a few elements like Canteen, Meditation centre, Auditorium, Viewing deck and a cultural hall which could provide for cultural programs and religious functions. The Design also tries to maintain a visual or sensorial relation with the Coast/ Sea.
The access points to this design are limited. The trees and plantations installed are native to this region and used as an element to curate the creation and movement on site.
All the elements in this design are connected through a pedestrian walkway, we form a continuum and shape the  internal movement on site


Plans and section of some of the design elements

Illustrations of the space created

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This project is done for a vertical studio in the Specialization course of the Monsoon semester 2023 in the module of Landscape Design. 
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